Sunday, January 17, 2010

post 17 january

justwrite 17 january

you’re a lucky one that plucky gun shoots in cahoots with the moon crooning over those rivers the lakes mistaken as parking lots by certain cars the stars leading the seagulls toward sales flail at the percentages falling down the crowns the boats where when they cross the line first the worst of which is the anchor is the stink of stagnation we are featuring fascination with a few behaviors the saviors will be our own help the wealth of knowledge when you were in college when you stalled that shower the rain again the stand of ferns in the corner waiting for their turn I have earned certain rights but you can’t go home against the wind the bins are overturned and the thrift is what I’ve missed while I’ve been walking in the dark the ice is a little not such the rusty trust can’t be resumed the fumes of thought plume upward I caught a bird with my eye but I let it go I thought so many wonderments I caught a bit of an idea and I sewed it into my hair I have no cares for the weary no plans to be bleary in the morning but I am storming ideas I am lessening my plans my crayons are out of order and ought to be sorted but the cleaner they are the greener the cars the sun the sky becomes and everyone else is confused when I use these theories the wearier ones come undone and smile stylishly out of context the corrections are certain and the white is out but the doubts climb aboard there is a stagecoach there are no results to announce there is a southbound train and a northbound frame but the angles are unapproachable we are moving toward zaprozhia and I cannot tell you all the letters they are tangled in a different mouth I am hoping for the berries I am making some merry but at my own pace there is no race I will run without my legs and I am pegged in that square round hole of my own design and up it I climb and I reach higher

justwrite 1516 january

when I call my own name out loud I shroud the sense in a dense land of reasons there are treasons we cannot pay back a track of nextdoor storage units pouring through it like a circle made of cheese breezing down the way the play not the thing to be trifled with a personality split by tongues there are sound effects neglecting each bite each sprite notwithstanding out of handing an Indian restaurant a haunt of medical students and the truant spices the lentils too nice for this rice and which trams do fuss over which bus will take the road there which mode will hold its own which cologne will hone in on an elastic wasteland the clinking of bottles waddling back and forth the course is not north but the west offers best rest available retailable and not failable in such circumstances there are dances but they are with wolves they have full bellies heavy with veggies but the leisure they take is to wake and to find time to align chimes to grind rhymes to a halt with the right grains of salt on these inches of ice and I find quite as nice the profusion of dice shuffled in a cup held by a monkey and shaken while being stirred

justwrite 14 january

on the train the draining the lane of gators there are taters and they are fried there is an ocean and it is wide we decide for ourselves which healths are chosen first which burst goes unrehearsed once the hearse goes by we surprise ourselves and our wealths of information lead to fascination I am taking my boots off I am scoffing at noise I have toys too joyful for words I have absurd hopes for knowing all those jokes without the words all I’ve heard and all you’ve said we’ve read the books we always wanted to write and we’ll bite our lips with eclipsed smiles styling all the while as the miles add up we have cups full of garlic and the sun won’t shine the author won’t line your own pockets with a locked stocking barrel I have a werewolf behind me but if I don’t look he can’t find me and I will wind we will bind our tongues hung out like discreet feet dancing to blaring theme music the truth it’s bound to be set free eventually and we we dow our best we pass our tests we rest our eyes in surprise it’s the only town like this town I am not frowning in response but there’s a safe bet I want another outcome I’ve passed over the humdrum and the cold and that old gleam in the eye is the way to light the fire the way we softly retire to the same sleep deepens the velvet the crushed lush appreciation I find fascination in this shared destination never knowing where or when and how but happy knowing yes

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