Sunday, January 10, 2010

justwrite 10 january

as the downloads up I am cupping my hands together and blowing the weather away there is no rain that can stay on these plains mainly or partially we are laughing free and easy as the oven calls that bluff stuff you hadn’t imagined grabbing over and under the fabled table able we are ready we look steady onward forward I will reach that far and you can drive this car we are saving our licenses for the added values we know trousers cannot pay for themselves we have elves to do our dishes and fish to paint our wishes into watery sunlight spilling over the windowsill and down into the mud the snow the buttered bread heading onto the plate a fated egg hatching catching the light brighter than the reflections that appear in every direction or a correction I cannot make these stars shine I cannot make the clock eat time once the bus comes we will rumble there will be a jungle full of confederates we have met the enemy and he is trusting with his eyes wide and white and the sight is unseen between the lines I am confining these chimes to the relative east the feast we cannot fathom a famine that cannot bake its own fake its own I am wondering where the wandering will end and who will fend for ourselves as we take the cake as we lake our churches and placate the lurches forward and onward the time unrhymed the syllables uncounted it never amounted to enough there was never a bluff to call tough enough again with the repetition there is no strength in such division we are jetting forward there are more words than reasons there are more seasons than pie I am trying to watch a movie I am trying to keep the truth free and easier than production and if you would like a muffin then you might as well just open your mouth and soon traveling south will be a merry line of blueberries reading and willing to fit that billing and style your smile into purple crocodile

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