Tuesday, January 26, 2010

justwrite 26 january

when the weather is wetter and the wedding is threading two needles with three strings of ringaround rosies those supposed escapes will not be made those spades will not be played and if there’s a way to will those spillover choices we will rejoice in the noises the night the park the day the dark and the starting point is the joint of the first knuckle tucking in buckled shoes by twos and pilgrim hats by threes the breeze can’t be stopped and the sundae can’t be topped by that kind of a cherry the wary traveler unravels her gingerbread house into crumbs undone along the path where the goldfish dashed in crackery goodness we have a tendency to free our suppositions from the prepositions that ought to support them often we cavort when we ought to purport nobler causes independent clauses and let us make our points powerful for when we present there will be sentences we cannot hand out we cannot finish with periods in the middle and there will be beginnings without end I am an editor we are all creditors of our own mouths traveling south into the elsewhere we still care enough to call bluffs as we see them the chimneys the trees and the carribean the freeing properties of thrift shopping adopting pounds of goods in a shouldbe appreciated way playing house with a mouse and a carrot and comparing it to what couldbe what themes we find supportable what dreams we mean to make out of matchsticks all without starting a fire conspiring to tire just before completion in order to wake with something finishable once again worth in what hand two pushes through the other

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