Monday, February 6, 2012

justwrite 6 february

The idea that I am the best person for the job is somewhat lost on me as I am wondering about dates and using verbs other than develop even though this is what you do where you means I means the subject of this text and yes it’s fair to say that I often write about myself at least here in this self-reflective though off-ish directional setting or daily journals or mumblings through text through emails what’s next what entails my qualifications is my resume we’ll say I’ve been on hold and now I must resume the zooming sound of time passing by this is where you are for now I am telling myself but what’s next and have you made way for can you play for this team and still watch the other can you cheer all the right colors and wear the right stripes the white stripes in between the things that I’ve done hum with blank wondering if the tank holds enough to go brings enough to show that this one’s a keeper this cell that’s been sleeping in the filing cabinet is ready for expansion let’s bring out the lists these are the twists faced and the nothings replaced with quality instruction with no-flub deductions of needs assessments these are the tests spent being passed can I last with myself here in the other chair sharing expectations too high for skyscrapers the drapers hanging papers and making it rain wonder the numbers old salaries social security and contact the supervisors surprised to find running in place can get anywhere and leaning into a blackhole can feel fresh or mesh your body into nothing in the meantime I’m going to sleep but when the polls close and the application’s disclosed to the right recipient we’ll see what’s meant and how the rest develops

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