Sunday, February 5, 2012

justwrite 5 february

With aspects of culture coloring the perspective the prime directive is clear here I am just saying words I am spitting out absurd variations on any information that comes to my mind loosely defined as an expression not worth messing with we’re fishing the sense out of the sentence but what to use as bait what do you have when you’ve got nothing to work with to jerk with all your might to delight in the catching of a golden glove and other awards cy young and cy old stolen like bases replacing my series of correspondences with a tendency to look out the window and wait for the next episode if here I explode then it will have been for good reason this season the sound of the steps replaces the driveway sweeping that meets my sleeping ears clear up three stories and no waiting no reason to hold off I am coughing to one side and to another the greatest pleasure is relief the biggest grief is the one I cannot mention here the tension is rising it’s surprising to find such loosely defined directions in this section but this is the right way to do it this is the true way to prove it necessary we are pressing onward we have no resumes but we are ready to resume to consume unexpected juices and to try strange grains these are the changes we anticipate but those carbon-dated artifacts collapsing out of space falling out of time I have got no rhyme for the wicked no rise for convicted convincing guilty as treason and sorry as peas in the wrong pod I’m sorry I was taking that space I’m not sorry I stretched for more there’s a door and it is open and that’s the way I’m going

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