Friday, April 9, 2010

justwrite 9 april

what they say is the way we walk is a talk of a lifetime the millionaire’s fine finding all those out-of-doubt troutstreams filling up with low deep bass ponds the scandal and the trundle beds! instead of breakfast we were eating tomatoes and instead of four o’clock we had tomorrow there are sorrows not worth repeating there are leftovers worth reheating I have seeded the fields and the fish will grow I have scattered the ashes and the wind will blow I have baked a pot of tea and eaten the sky on bread instead of carrots I dreamed of avalanches and the chances of them coming true are two in a million and I’m one and the fun is that you are two and we knew and we know and we swim and we sew but mostly we grow in the sand in the sun and the childhood songs come along to play the way I meant to go to yoga the way the inozemna mova got transliterated from other language a foreign one so to speak is what I seek and to be found is pleasant enough it’s a tough nose to blow it’s a hard row to line up speaking of columns and solving the retreat by sounding a horn it’s a norm to want to create but at this late date we’ll have to count the eggs we’ll have to break legs of our own design I am finding myself tired and I am losing myself awake I am taking making strides tanning my own hide on the other side of satisfaction I have signed a contract meant to counteract such stratagems and the citrus contends its own vitamins will be enough and it’s a bluff I’d rather not call but still and all if the phone rings I will bring it to my ear and I will hear and say can you see and the dawn will have some early light but we’ll call it patriotism and not propaganda we can handle our own tongues and those strung along among us will have to wait for the later bus

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