Saturday, April 10, 2010

justwrite 10 april

while we waited we stated our claims but never our names we were in hurries we had baking waiting to come out of the oven we had sisters who were getting married in ten minutes we had children who were at home alone we all needed to make something for dinner we all had shirts to iron and floors to sweep we had families to keep from falling apart but no one listened everyone glistened with his own story her own worry these are my troubles and they are many I have not a penny I have a cold I have not a husband I have a sore foot I have no food at home I have a fever I have something to say I have to hear it even if no one else does we are looking around and deciding who’s hiding the most and who will take their tea with toast I am the most interested I am writing everything down this is not a true story this is a true story this happened today it never happened this happens every day I am listening to what everyone says I am hearing it all I am understanding nothing this is the life I have chosen this is the explosion in my chest when the right pieces come together this is finding soft tissues on the second trip and eclipsing the raw nose with chosen citrus salvation I am listening to the courtyard and watching the sunflower seeds slip from pockets to finger to mouths and split to the ground spit out loud and the birds too proud for leftovers are waiting to be invited for the first round I am crowning myself but without a crown I am watching for the green to come from the brown the buds and the yellow the fellow travelers waiting for the chill to retreat the neat rows exposed in their beds what appeared to have been brush instead brushed away like winter the season the satisfaction proactively finding itself and letting the waiters wait the linemakers take their own cake and feed it to the dogs

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