Monday, December 28, 2009

post 28 december

justwrite 28 december

earth people I was going to tell you something but then you interrupted me you climbed that crazy tree and you made a face you escaped the grace of the clouds and you ate dinner right out loud in front of everyone and the sun and the moon swooned to imagine you grabbing those teeth from the dishwasher your drinking water has got to be brushed and if it’s too tough for you to chew then imagine you will ride the bus and I’ll walk let’s talk about this tomorrow let’s set a schedule and meet by the hour I will tower my ankles above those grassy plains as you explain why the grains ought to be whole and the wholly open targets are aiming for the bulls and we are full of macaroni we are only what we make ourselves to eat and the tea was sweet without the defeat of a second helping I am overheating the drive and the external journals will print news of this will blissfully unaware stare into the sofa and loaf around we have towns to paint different colors of red and of green and in between the holidays we will play our heartstrings singing carols and also marias and hail all these songs the long cold nights bite us in the comfort we are turning onward over all those soldiers marching in the silence the defiance of snow that refuses to be rain although I heard it again this morning on the window it couldn’t stay certain when I opened the curtain or more truthfully blinds the horizontal kind lined with dust and occasional wrinkles aren’t we all but sometimes we turn toward the brighter glass and look outward instead of in

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