Friday, December 11, 2009

post 11 december

justwrite 10 december

pass that trashcan there’s a scan going on and what’s going wrong is going out with the wrinkled up othersuch there is no need to keep all of that and scatter the hopes of organization to tatter the ropes you wanted to climb I am criming the time and spending dimes on broomsticks just forgetting the right twitch to clean it all up I am idealizing the right things to do the right way to say because those seem far away they can’t be said today but there is time there is later and when we fade our screens from these scenes we will jump those ropes over dumped hopes we had no need to eat such sweets we didn’t order those anyway we didn’t know just what to say and when we got those transcripts anyway they didn’t have the right names in the right places and there were big spaces where we thought we’d have results which all just catapults us backward where once there was progress now there’s just less there’s nothing to confess but confusion and the hope that illusions will fade and in their place sense will grow and the reasons though they are fine now will fall into line in time and issue forth and fifth like licked lips ready for what we’ll see we’ll free our tongues in the meantime though

justwrite 9 december

when the speech gets written I will be smitten with the results no matter the tumult no matter I’d rather deliver other language the baggage I am carrying is too heavy to drop it’s a bumper crop today and it’s sway outta hand there are no command keys to enter no sale items to return I am earning little interest in the eyes of the prize I am thinking about goals I am wondering how foals keep moving forward you can see their legs and you’ve got them pegged for falling but onward they go and the snow falls and they dance anyway am I ready to say that’s enough or thank you and still the speech isn’t written I have got to practice it anyway still the words are falling but the snow is too deep to tell still the irony is hot and I’ve got miles to go before I get to kyiv and my sleeves are full of hearts and other parts I can’t translate we are waiting for some other sense to arrive though it might be expensive you musn’t be defensive which here means me which here seems to be the way to go and I grow greener into a variety of colors the painting by numbers has never been enough it’s a tough row to hoe but so let’s do it anyway I am full up on mandarins and salad spins my breakfast bowl holding on to rubber soles and scuffing up the pavement

justwrite 8 december

it’s hard to say which way to feel makes more sense the recompense already paid the state of the union already dissolved solving some problems and creating others there are such a lot of got-to’s I have hopped through and not over the hoops in dispute where the values come through and what is it that makes you and I and we and how high can we go low with other prepositions missing in translation it was not easy to be done and now and how and more to store up and unlock suddenly waterfall cattlecall curtains fall again and again and no hands are clapped although I meant to and I sent you a telegram but that wasn’t in good taste I counted out the words but I meant it in haste and the paste wasn’t cut enough the song wasn’t chorused the rehearsals I meant to say is that what happened or when did that come together and how long forever never was the waiting and there’s no concentrating on any sort of timeline I’m fine and you’ve got yours all in a row and so I wonder and what blunders but no matter as scattering continues should I bring you a something a goodwishes greeting or what fleeting oldfashioned cash will be too expensive to bear can I care more than the shore where the ocean keeps eating up cups of stability and dumping them elsewhere there’s a boardwalk but I can’t talk about that right now my stomach turns at the thought and I’ve got to say something but I haven’t found the script and it’s not like you’re gripped with anticipation at the possibility it’s likely you have no concern and why should you what earns me the right to be frightened out of sense when I have built up my own fence so high and the sun shines daily but maybe there are right words but if there are I still have not heard

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