Thursday, May 6, 2010

justwrite 6 may

I am ready to be saved the tupperwhere uncertainty the clarity that comes before the glass is scratched half full there’s the line and here’s the twine the tie that binds as it rolls down laughing halves in opposition the glistening rejoinder the remainder of a joke but you’ve got to buy a ticket you’ve got to lick that stamp damp enough to bluff each listener there’s a mail system there’s a trailhead and it’s thinking about breaking offstream and dreaming its own route into the mountains which is unlikely as the heights freeze its feet into place as the laces are tied too tightly and the brightly colored marbles are too distracting too wholly taxing with the percentages unmeasurably high the sky and other ideas keep the kites up but the sudden realizations of space and other nations keep my eyes open to hope the soapy drama bubbling up I am cupping my elbows in predisposed afterdinner call-in shows as all the children are told what for and where to go and how to show their appreciation the fascination with kicking a ball quite lost on the taller of us who can reach clouds if we’re not too loud there are no fences no borders the crossing easier than flossing and more consistent we are wind-resistant and easily entertained I have named each tree for an apple I have dappled each gray pony and the only one who comes when I call is a cannonball ready for distance but not battle hurtling through the field dandelionwild and smiling with open eyes there and gone and never back attacking the unknown with surprising vigor who would eat a sugar cube instead of something beautiful the taste on your tongue lasts only as long as the song in your head but the red of the poppies and the yellow fields adopting the sun in their faces are worth each race and its running

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