Thursday, May 5, 2011

justwrite 5 de mayo

I am cold this is unexpected my fingers aren’t working and the lurking ideas have nowhere to go there’s a show going on like it must but there’s rust in the joints we’re disappointed to discover no more covers can be found only originals the chilly spills through the air and to my nose exposing exploding brrr there’s fur but there are not enough rrr’s there are cars but none are ours we are tired of expiring there’s nothing worth conspiring about and I am wishing I was a runner I am leaning into summer leaning onto bummer status grabbing a fish and shaking its hand there’s land but it’s too dry and all I need to do is try but there are good moods floating through anyway and it’s an easy stay in bed once I get there which is soon and I can tell you the moon won’t disagree it’s an easy view and twice as true once the warm seeps in

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