Sunday, May 22, 2011

justwrite 22 may

a pink umbrella the kind with ears carefully steps in every puddle a wandering route but well-prepared and at least partially mother-endorsed or perhaps father either one deciding spontaneously that little girls do not melt in the rain and therefore yes this wish will be granted no birthday candles needed off she goes to the suspicion of the neighbors who cluck and suggest illnesses we don’t need these stresses we press golden tresses into plaits and serve up otherwise there are skies that open and some that close we suppose the sun also shines and the wicked don’t notice the hocus pocus alarm clocks go off and everyone runs for cover into the tall grass we have stashed our wonderment under our pillows and when the time comes to sleep our dreams will be deep we dive in thriving on entertainment of the brightlight kind dimmed for ease of sleep and the company we keep in our slumber plumbs the depths and pulls out thumbs that’s a different kind of pie in another kind of corner we’ve stormed the ramparts we’ve turned over the castle such a hassle it was and now we’ve got a bungalow and when I say we I mean me I have got but haven’t bought more like renting and vaguely defending the borders with violets and this bouquet cannot stay far from my nose without me supposing I ought to lean closer nothing rosier than little white bells leaning down to pour out their sweet tunes silent but the room is filled and their glances thrill my shy eye glad for the attention they straighten up and cup their pale cheeks with greenbunched leaves clasped tight to their stems hemming and hawing even as the fireworks take away the attention leave another dimension unturned we have earned our marks and in the rainwet dark one dog barks his way home waiting for a returned call yes over here yes we’ve been waiting for you and in my dream last night I called out and it was my sister who answered yes she said let’s talk we all need to be coddled a little and when I woke up it seemed true and I’m still awake and it wasn’t but I still wouldn’t mind

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