Monday, March 8, 2010

post 8 march

justwrite 8 march

once we add up all the total number of subtractions and divide a few seasons for scattered reasons we’d rather not discuss it is incumbent upon us to remember the tidings and also the tides we have wide acres of knowledge and also of mud today with the sneakers and the music but the dogs and the houses that could not have belonged there that might have squared off in a different kind of catalog the trough notwithstanding the outhouse a doubtful accessory but the cabinstyle bricklike guard dog birds flew about with their absurd colors all ablaze and the amazing part was the departure back to sense from whence we all return sooner or never and forever ago the fever lifted we have drifted through different circles we have tightened the bagels into smaller rotations our nations are united in appreciation the fascination with holidays glazing over the nonsensical amount of ginger poured into that idea I am translating my listenings into glistening understanding pretending with a face that says otherwise we are smiling back and forth and the north doesn’t snow what the east can’t show like we always used to say back way back when geography wasn’t born and storms brought lilacs instead of rain and you might patiently explain again they are related but friend I do not need a lecture I am dwelling here upon conjecture and if you don’t like my hypothesis then you can floss with this farewell for the rest of your stay and your clean clean teeth will greet the mirror but we won’t be any nearer to understanding each other and it’s a shame for your mother is so kind and it’s truly a musical interlude when she exudes a tune or two of sense in your direction and I happen to be standing nearby but if this is goodbye then that’s fair well enough

justwrite 7 march

the carbohydrates date the fated figs growing big in the middle then dropping off plumly making up numb tongues to do their own bidding forgetting when and why and how high the sky has to go before it grows greener and then dark the park in the sky is a wild idea but to drive up there simply means Virginia it’s that easy and the treesy breeze calls back at once having had a hunch that there was more to say having waited past the point of useful exchanges and replacing them instead with colors and numbers of pages we are waging pointless pointings-out against the sense of it we have immense trenches of it into which we keep falling calling out for the orchestra to be more beautiful to perform more dutifully and remember when we hung up but we cupped our ears to listen for more and to store each word for easy recycling let us return to the burning I am tired of making faces at myself and imagining my health of the most significance there are acres of other things to consider and the figures don’t add up in my mirror but there are no clearer signs no easier designs to blueprint than a lack of control over the whole strolling crowd there is loudness in we but for me it is quiet there is no try it is only a badge to earn in front of a stern audience and the scarf is soaking it is a token heatwave past the last one and I am stunned with the lack of right words on either side startled by the lack of closure after any exposure but this is not the right word either aching with a fever of empty depth and having leapt into the light finding it all much too bright

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