Thursday, January 12, 2012

justwrite 12 january

A month in the other direction and different corrections might have been made the game could’ve been played with different strategies the little tragedies avoided or magnified surprised to find ourselves here at this juncture I am asleep and there’s an easy remedy but not alone means keeping up and I’ve stuck to it long enough to hear the repeats pavement and the haircut song the second drummer drowned his telephone was found and it makes me wonder where the time went in between the writing the biting in and the posting plans there ought to be a something in the moving forward what have I been doing otherwise but walking in place and watching tv just lighting a stream of reasons why I ought to relax the cough a dry scratch wishing I would wear a hat but this is just a symptom this is not a problem and I need a haircut anyway in response to this song and also in reality but my nails are trimmed and the laundry’s getting done plus the window was cleaned today more or less okay but the lack of cleaning before installation means doublepane frustration with what’s caught in the middle and I’d rather not meddle with those complicated fixtures but I wouldn’t mind a catch that releases and shoos the dust on out shoes the foot that takes the first step whoever the sponsor and whatever the direction I’m angled toward correction but first I need a stamp and if I were less a champ I would fold myself right over and put me in the mail but it’s a no-fail circumstance I’m late enough to this same dance that there’s no reason to be treasonous there’s no measure of treachery acceptable here just a mission that’s clear if annoying and simple if employing patience doesn’t count there’s a small amount of sense to be made but little interest happening here clearly but I fear we are waning low on desire to stoke this midnight fire and when I say we I mean me and the sleep is on its way though my fingers maintain play on the keyboard they are too bored while I snooze which brings the cake song to mind where do they go indeed what do they know indeed and can they get the rest of me up to speed

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