Monday, August 2, 2010

justwrite 2 august

making decisions means turning collisions into steps other directions we are making corrections and paying attention but sometimes it’s expensive there’s no need to get defensive and the outcome will turn out will squash doubts in its reality there are several seas and a few more oceans there is devotion and also confusion we are illusions and also there is no other truth we have useful ideas and storms in our brains what remains when we have eaten our fill stuffed our sacks and gone out for the next step the test of the text you thought you were reading heeding all the crayons and their suggestions but no one needs to stay within the liner notes there are remoter chances and engines dancing sideways across the highways there’s a map collapsing and folding upon itself there’s health but it’s hard to keep leaping over and toward conclusions a second set of eventual illusions we are bruising our egos and our apples but we will adapt and we will scrap our scrambled letters for metal reusable the fullest extent of the tent once pitched is a niche in a certain tree where the gum and the spelling medals wait for me if I am the character and it’s fair to say I’m not but it’s easy to adopt the view as a first-person narrator takes the care to compare her view with your thoughts we ought to be telling this differently but rarely are stories written only forward from the beginning how else could we tell who’s winning are the characters fair enough or do we despair over their bluffs like cliffs of dover over and clover spinning allusions into a strand we can hand off and pull along are you strong enough to knit what you’ve unraveled how far have you traveled to arrive back at this point can we start can we anoint this location as not a destination but a beginning again and new strands we can handle can play chords together the weather changes again we take hands we don’t raise them we make fans and we splay them across our faces sharing the air and comparing the stares in the mirror with those across the table we are fabled to read to the end but there’s no pretending it’s just a few pages away there are stays to that execution and it doesn’t have to be dark it’s a day in the park with just a few clouds allowed and the spelling is just fine where yours rhymes with mine I can’t say that I disagree at this juncture or any other

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