Wednesday, November 8, 2017

8 november

What is an interesting side effect about managing social media was it she had started paying closer attention to the world around her. Sure, funny holidays were good start, but there was certainly more to be had. By ‘more to be had’ she considered ‘fuel for the pot’, if that wasn't too mixed of a metaphor. Why would someone put fuel in a pot? Anyway. Nobody put fuel in that metaphor. It ended there. We stopped talking about it. For good. Fuel for the fire, however, though metaphorically appropriate, might not have been the best way to describe the situation. Was the social media for the coffee shop on fire? It was not. Nor was the roof. Just saying. The roof, the roof, the roof was not on fire. Anyway, for example, while walking down the street one could take note of every beautiful tree. Sure, she had noticed trees before, since it was hard not to, but now saw them in perfectly square frames in every direction. The radio, as well, was an excellent source of inspiration. NPR in particular, particularly because she did not listen to any other radio station, was an excellent excellent font of information. On the way home tonight, she heard a story about checklists on Hidden Brain, the new show by that really smart guy who always had interesting facts to share on the regular shows, and whom you can follow at HiddenBrain or something like that on Twitter and some other social media, No Doubt. As soon as she heard the topic, she thought, There's a Blog for that. She also thought I should tweet about this. Not necessarily tweeting about the story itself, but tweeting that There Should Be a Blog for it. There would be some sort of checklist joke involved, but she wasn't really sure what it would be yet. It would be something “I feel a Blog coming on!” or something better she’d think of by then, hopefully.

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