Tuesday, November 21, 2017

21 november

He’d explained the idea fairly eloquently, in his own opinion, but the problem was actually sitting down to do the work. Technically not so much the sitting down itself as the work part. Of course.

For example, he was really interested in doing something along the lines of “How the cat got your tongue” or, if you’re really into the non-sentence case capitalization (And what is that called again? Like awkward capitalization? Every word capitalization? Not as elegant. Clearly.) “How The Cat Got Your Tongue”. Great title, but the space after that was blank.

Admittedly, there was a blinking cursor. Sometimes he’d shout “BLINKING CURSOR!” as if he was cursing it for blinking. Isn’t that why it’s called that after all?

He remembered an English teacher at some point in his middle school career (a fair to middling success as careers go, but he moved on to a higher calling after a few  years (yes I mean high school (no I don’t think I’m so clever you can’t follow along (no that’s not my goal anyway)))  who had spent some time ranting about defeating the power of the white. His main recollection was that it had seemed somehow racist, or reverse racist if you’re someone who believes that’s a thing (it’s not (racism is racism)). A few years later, meaning now, meaning more than a few, he got it. BLINKING CURSOR.

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