Tuesday, November 28, 2017

28 november

The Kid was writing a really interesting story. It was really going somewhere. In reality, the idea was that it was going backward. So fancy! If she had a genre as a person, it might have been experimental or literary. She said she was cool, and she was! Here's the idea of the story: In every chapter, the story moves farther back towards the beginning. However, within every chapter, things move ahead forward. That is to say: So, in the first chapter, for example, it could have been a discussion of someone's dinner. [This is not accurate in terms of content, but it's simply used as an illustrating device, so bear with me.] In the first chapter -- actually let's start farther back. In the first chapter, someone is getting ready for bed -- let's call it a woman. The character, not the bed. Although, whatever you like. If that's what you're into. If you prefer one of those languages where everything is gendered. I'm just saying. There's nothing wrong with that. So, at the beginning of the chapter the characters getting ready for bed. She brushes her teeth she changes her clothes into pajamas. [Poof! They are pajamas!]. She gets into bed. She listens to part of her favorite podcast. She starts to fall asleep. She suddenly realizes that she was supposed to put her computer in her bag for work the next day and had better do so soon or she would likely forget. She jumps up and puts the laptop in the bag. She then gets back into bed. She switched out podcast in favor of some music. She falls asleep. She has a dream in which she forgot to put her laptop in the bag and went to work to run a meeting without a computer. It was more or less a nightmare. It's more or less a dream that she had more or less every night. This is more or less an exaggeration. She started to have the dream where she was on the way to school as a child, and kept missing the bus, and then had to run in between houses in the neighborhood to catch the bus at one of the later stops... And then she woke up... And then she fell back asleep. I'm not saying that this is an interesting chapter of an interesting book, but let's say that it's the first chapter in the kids book. In the second chapter, let's say, again just in this ridiculous example and not because it would be a good story, the character is eating dinner. She has set the table for one, meaning herself. She has baked a potato, or rather the microwave has done so. She's standing in the kitchen waiting for the microwave to do its business, Which sounds grosser than it really is, but she’s not thinking about that. She's thinking about what to put on her potato. Baked beans are always nice, but there just don't seem to be any in the cabinet. Do you say cupboard? Whatever. The cupboard is bare of beans. She imagines the dream of having sour cream. She does not, in fact, have sour cream, but it is a delicious dream. She does, however, have butter and also salt and pepper. Upon further examination, the cabinet offers up creamed corn. This is acceptable. Once the potato is out of the microwave, it having done its own non dirty business, she opens a can of creamed corn and pours part of it over the potato. She then proceeds to sit down at the table and reread her mail. While eating is delicious potato and corn combo, of course. When done, she wonders if she has another potato in the kitchen. She does not. She puts away her bowl in the dishwasher, and then drinks some chocolate milk while standing in front of the open refrigerator, having previously taken right out of the refrigerator. As if that was well explained at all. Anyway, enough for everyone! Maybe she then sits down to watch some TV. Whatever you already know what happens next because it's in the preceding chapter. So, what do you think happens in chapter 3? Well you might guess that she has lunch, don't be ridiculous. In fact, she has afternoon!

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