Thursday, February 3, 2011

justwrite 3 february

when the groundhog last glared there were too many stripes to wipe with never-running colors no others could’ve lasted could’ve blasted through their banisters all along the mulberry steps having leapt up and over that endless waterfall that talks that balks at dreams and it seems in one last night I was in my right apartment but it was much bigger a juicy figgier pudding we all want some and so many people there for the party sitting at a table I’m able to see faces I recognize one I just met and one’s from a little longer ago and today awake I find that one’s having a birthday today I never could have known and the other’ll have flown in this weekend without flying of course it just sounded cooler we are fooling ourselves with these interpretations but it’ll save the nations if we just unite why we can’t be friends as the song goes but no throwing down just calling out and catching trout instead of worry and rainbows instead of clouds since that’s all that’s allowed on this boat full of professionals but really who thought that’d be a good idea since I can’t translate my state to a relatable manner much less a professional essay the stress weighs but I press off and swim into the dark of sleep reaping rewarding yawns and waking just to stretch

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