Friday, February 18, 2011

justwrite 18 february

as the icy tires change their mind again and again around the sounds about the courtyard in any other language would echo as loudly as proudly as merrily we go along playing elementary piano songs and we long for the next book the next level the color orange or maybe blue the one that looks best under your arm from lessons or on the stand in the corner mourning each moment closed waiting for exposed notes to turn into sound and not sound but music truth and delight the light in the air and this might be a bit much but I’m a soft touch on this subject there’s no doubt and in this cup there are no trout because though there’s water there’s a flyswatter’s worth of a chance that dancing in that amount would add up to enough to keep our friend freely breathing easing atoms from molecules or castanets from droplets dancing dancing off-stage and it’s all the rage the hit parade and the memory of a thousand suns running like the wind and other idioms like beating the rug in the dark always with this courtyard my life looking at a courtyard ought to be the title of this experience but it’s also listening too and my professor would call it a long time looking at the lid but that’s his life and not how he leads it but as an autobiography that’s how he’d read it and also write it and never ignite it as if to spark an argument but when I showed up with two or four versions of my verses double-spaced and not and some other changes he said well it’s a pity you used the wrong lay this should be lie and still to this day I can teach this and not be sure I can smell the disease and forget the cure but when fireworks go off or maybe on if that’s a better usage still at any hour they cannot be still and at this time this is what they’re doing this is how they’re stewing their just desserts and wondering until it hurts if this is what life is all about just exploding for a brief moment of noise totally sight unseen over a courtyard where a man is beating a rug in the dark of an icy Friday and then to be gone completely replaced by the sound of a loudmouthed cellphone conversation and the unsteady beating of the rug

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