Sunday, February 27, 2011

justwrite 27 february

staring into thought a green stuffed rabbit has developed the habit of spying into reality with a keen sense of confusion he knows what’s happening and I am just playing along I am making pancakes because it’s Sunday I am worrying about three months from now even while not worrying even while hurrying to get ready for tomorrow I have slept enough I have not made a wake-up call I sent a note instead if you are not sleeping please read this and realize that you are awake thank you sincerely the management even as I don’t manage to manage because I certainly don’t have to in this situation as even a rudimentary investigation will show the crosswalk below and other signs have changed the minds of all participating factions we’re weighing subtractions along with additions and when I come out on top I’ll wonder what attitude to adopt like the characters in mark twain’s mirror the fake sack of gold that corrupted hadleyburg the same weight as lead the better off mislead the honestly crooked the straight the rough places plain as the red velvet seats in the messiah sing-along theater this is a memory this is a truth packaged up and delivered through listening to some other music I cannot hear that kind now when I did at Christmas it was too much too soon to avoid the tagalong story ready to package that up and give it to someone else to hold there’s no space between these ears and while the chest cavity is showing some emptiness it’s not the kind of weight to shove right in there without major adjustments so let’s just set that aside let’s set aside the companionship the easy comfort of not quite knowing the words but surrounded by those standing beside mothers who like each others and smiling at the right parts shaking our heads at the director the soloists get full support though always just really let’s move this along so we can hurry back to our parking garages and be ready for snow for presents for deliverance from memories from bows closing up boxes that we don’t need to open again and again but we can see are there and look lovely in the background of some other picture waiting to be taken and also given

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