Monday, November 8, 2010

justwrite 8 november

dreaming of other people fills the space erases the chase scene and there’s nothing in between these two beings just now but that space getting deleted instead just to bed with other ideas the clarity seems so clear the fear brushed away while reading some other poem today and being glad to be settled nothing mettled nothing gained just strange floating away this is the kind of thing to pray for If you’re into that sort of thing but no fling stays long and that calm is long gone seeing such ideas a few clicks away the curiosity stays while the pain burns up calls forth crawls north to the back of the throat then settles cold in the heart part of which closes for the day a clenched hand of tools that can’t be used for now I cannot imagine I cannot think through that straight earlier I played simple songs stretched and caught up and waited to sigh with the pleasure of recognition and the disappointment of neglect the necessary retraction but finding none but finding this message undone I cannot but wonder I cannot but plunder these pages wondering over phases and the phrases that are dear now on that side of the gulf which pump your blood which line your shelves and cover yourself in the dark I am parked here and clear away but not as clear as I thought it’d stay just a reply missed a sidewalk kissed with unnecessary ardor falling out a car door and rolling to the ditch stepping up and over myself and into the next bus pressed with must and animal sounds against the humid aisle-standers we are looking for the next stop and maybe you have found yours already no reason to go steady alone into the elsewhere it’s not fair to anyone it’s not unfair to you to me too true to be believed at this point at this joint I am out of sorts and ought to contort to a harder pose I presuppose will give me focus I have nothing to notice and nothing to offer I am afraid to say hello I am afraid to think nothing and I am tired of this balance I thought would tip again today and even without those words there’s still a sway out of sorts and I cannot help but wonder what spelling words you’re under which channels you’re channeling and what challenges you’re handling and I wish all the best with the rest but it’s a test I’m still taking.

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