Monday, November 21, 2016

21 november

She checked her phone first.


It’s like knowing that there’s a lion’s den next door, then going and sticking your face in it. Hey! Lions! Over here! What’s going on? Is it snack time, or what?

So many reasons she didn’t get any writing done. Why not get a snack, too? Come to think of it, when was the last time she worked out? Maybe she should vacuum. Did the water filter need changed? Probably the bathroom could do with a good scrub.

Come on.

She sat at the desk and scooted up the chair. As if closing herself tight up against the table would keep her from escaping. She shook her head at herself. So many tricks. It was like setting the clock in her car fast to keep herself moving. But then knowing that the clock was fast. So. Ahem.

Open laptop. She pulled the stack of Things closer and flipped it over. Chronology. Inventory. Go.

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