Thursday, November 17, 2016

17 november

I’m pretty sure this is not what happens next, he thought. He wondered if saying this out loud might help.

The odds of ending up alone together were unlikely enough. Having dinner together was also strange. When was the last time he had eaten dinner alone with a woman who was not his wife?

It’s not like anything inappropriate had happened. It had simply worked out that they’d left the last session at the same time, had discussed dinner options, and had headed to the same place. They’d even taken separate cars. Nobody else from the group had joined, so it was a table for two. He tried not to seem awkward about it. As a result, he felt completely awkward.

The fact that she was reasonably attractive did little to help minimize the awkwardness. Let’s say. But really. At what point on the scale would it not have been awkward? Maybe if she had been a man. But then would people think they were gay? The fact that he was wearing a wedding ring only made him self-conscious.

When they walked out to the parking lot, she offered him a drink back at her hotel room. A client at the conference had presented a nice bottle of wine to her as a gift, but she’d be flying home and couldn’t take it on the plane.

Not the scene, he thought to himself. The moon seemed unnaturally bright. Fictionally so.

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