Sunday, November 22, 2015

22 november

When you go to sleep without putting your phone on silent, you are suggesting to the universe that it’s okay if you get woken up.

When you are woken up, the tenor of your reaction will be tempered, if not completely defined, by the nature of the alert/message/notification/whatever.

There are not many things that really merit a wakeup, honestly. You’d think I could filter my notifications more stringently and effectively. Sure, I could. I guess. Mostly.

The following messages are worthy of middle-night wake-up notification:

There is an emergency and someone you love is in peril. Come quickly!



I guess something really sweet would be nice to receive in the middle of the night.

You are so wonderful that I can hardly sleep for thinking of you. My sweet dreams, when they come, will be of you.

Yeah, I guess that would be one. I get that one a lot.



Being sweet and mushy doesn’t come too naturally to me sometimes. Anything that’s too cloyingly sweet is a turn-off, and I tend to be suspicious of people who are overly gushing with cutesy emotion.

Still. I mean, of all the options, sweet can be pretty good. (See how I didn’t say “sweet can be pretty sweet”? Yeah, narrowly avoided that one.)

Sweet is not the same as nice. Sweet is not the same as cute. Sweet is thoughtful, warm. Adorable is too much. Sweet is on the safe side. Saccharine is a risk.

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