Saturday, December 24, 2011

justwrite 24 december

Yes it’s me and I’m writing to you yes a true start an easy part to make sense of there’s nothing above and little below and I’ll have you know I’ve been thinking I’ve been blinking my eyes and wondering with surprise at why there’s any caring in such an incomparable scenario did you know it’d look like this and what are you wishing for next in the text below there’s a slow delivery of possible names it’s an easy game to play while hands keep busy but the dizzy cars out on the road now are tired and how they spin on icy toes is anybody’s guess but back to the less the more the score to keep it’d be simple enough to stay straight this late with your real name and it’s what I firstthink and there’s a pretty clear link between you and the same but what’s in a name and what’s the point of a nick if it’s the same in time as the previously lined up speakers have spouted it’s something else to tout and if the route leads from my novel creation the character stepping out from my imagination I’d have to say Vanya and that’s just right on ya close and most reasonable as a change a predictable transition to an easygoing conditional what-if but these are the normal choices and there’s a great deal of certainty that it’s an unusual person behind this name and an unusual author is doing the picking and licking the stamp to send so on that end I’d have to say Butter because clearly you’re better to me than plenty of others and easily smooth in a no-pressure groove but as a term of endearment how would you like to hear it and would you laugh every time and would I say that in public or just behind doors well what’s more there’s John which is American for you but it’s true that’s not what I pick though it’s an easy step to Jack the most common attack on John by which I mean nickname though only one letter’s the same but how’d you like to be Jack because it’s better to track your thoughts than to go out and have bought one of these without asking and then passing it along for you to try on so for now I’ll stick with Sunshine and I hope you’ll find that just fine

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