Wednesday, June 2, 2010

justwrite 2 june

once you start looking at the edges like hedges there are plenty to go around and the grounding poles the lightning souls striking a certain stance dancing on pins and wondering what’s within the next pie whether it’s trash or strawberries the mash of merry-making minus rain the plain-jane carnival back in town there’s no frown on this face though it’s a rat-race rowing that boat ashore what’s more is less for guessing reading the indexing the text between the punctuation and for your information I have been guessing at those clues for years before you knew blue before the research had been formulated the coordinates had been reproportioned into new directions we are the makers of new words and I’m sorry for the absurd direction but the truth is there’s no correction I’d make just a new take on an old give we’ve got to live if we’re going to avoid dying but there’s a little more between those ends worth working for we are now six now the pick-up sticks are rebelling the multiple felons and the daydream sunners each waiting for their number to be called but in between who’s enthralled by the inevitable and who’s giving a full sort of effort or simply appearing to it’s clearing through my head all the interview words said we are tired of the right answers but we have only so many words there are only so many lines we’ve rehearsed and sometimes it’s worse to spit out the bits that don’t belong that strongly disagree the calamity of calmness in reminiscence upon saving you will be cancelled upon dancing your knees will knock and the door may or may not open here’s hoping for clear answers but these are not the most common variety we are sorting out the chaff we are laughing nervous energy into the sky and wondering how high the goal how low the standard the gold badge in hand I’m stopping along the way I know you don’t mind I believe the leaves blow someone else’s rain I know I am and what am I you are too old for that game but still we play on

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