Tuesday, June 1, 2010

justwrite 1 june

the chaff and the giraffe go walking in the park and after dark only one comes home only one has a phone and there are three houses red yellow and blue when you go to the first one mr. jones answers and at the second house it’s Suzanne at the third house the dog’s name is roger and if you want to find the missing car you should search in the garage of the house across the street from the smiths it’s a rich treasure trove of logic the correspondent pieces and parts losing heart and gaining ground we are fitting the pieces into their slots but what’s got to go on is the strong arm of the lawless wind to be hinging upon and leaning into the doorframe claiming sovereignty and plenty of flightless birds grazing in the front yard or nibbling or whatever it is they do but suddenly it’s true a peacock took off and the breeze in the trees was something unbelievable the firebird or another piece of literature a symbol of itself toward better health and longer dreams we seem to know the moral of this tale we seem to wonder how it fails to fall short how it keeps balanced onward with the long plumes and the clouds hardly allowed to interfere with the view it’s true I ate too much for dinner it’s too I could have had more water there are answers to these there are solutions too cheesy to draw with a butterknife I have suggestions but they won’t be appreciated by that audience there’s a preponderance of figuring and not enough forgiving we are living here and we are taking up this space but there’s no replacing the chase scene that’s meant to last a little longer we are stronger than we’d imagined and there is no tragedy in stringy hair and halfhearted jokes just a poke backward we’ve heard yes we’ve stirred the soup the suggestions the lessons we ought to learn ourselves our better half-mast flags dragged down by misinterpretation and the degradation of certainty while saying please and thank you and forgetting what was ordered the better sorts of menus still offering the same dishes delicious but without tomorrows

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