Thursday, November 19, 2009

post 19 november

justwrite 19 november

I am putting myself into a program I am raising alarm at the rate of a storm we cannot settle out of the rain pains itself in the straining but those clouds can not fall straight down the wait is too heavy too heady to knit into a pocked knot a locked barrel sterile and clean and in between the cracks the boards ignoring their own mistakes and quaking in their iron bonds the bounds founded on another presumption that they have not the gumption to keep it together without a forever pact the tract signed off on the land grandstanding on a columned porch torching the homefires and burning the wires so there’s no connection in any direction I am collecting this training and draining out all the starch I can parch from a wet throat there’s a ghost of a chance I will dance alone and the zone is too timely two timed three rhymes and no waiting for the stating of a claim I am remaining in the kitchen until it’s time to eat I am facing the nation through an awkward explanation and the cards we’ve traded have faded like so many notes into the distance the fence I want to jump is the one that keeps me safe the dogs I want to raise are the ones that give me chase and each phrase is swallowed by the next with the naturalist taking notes and the politicians eating votes right out of each commercial break faking it and making it obvious in the process

justwrite 18 november

a day that disappeared into a chocolate too late to be saved too raving to be mad I am glad this will be justified later but the savior of the matter is a puddle and jump away and the play is no thing like this stage is the rage is the time to go alone and there is no haven on the horizon there is no stripe to follow all the way home no stone to roll no gathering of moss and the floss and the mill and the toss and the pill will all make sense whether our busy is too fizzy like a soda that oughta be water and what’s the matter when all the data points to a different projector what will the director be suggesting before yelling cut and will I have the back to hack into it will I be able to pull myself up if my boots have no straps and the collapsing is of more than lungs I have hung myself out to dry I am waiting for the sun but have undone the top buttons and am asking for nothing but space and stars

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