Saturday, October 25, 2008

justwrite 25 october

now there are quiet places
right out in front of everyone
and they are watching but
no one wants to be the one
everyone wants to be everyone
unless that one is so good
unless everyone is wrong
put your toe into the mess
squish your fingers in the
well we're not sure what it is
to be right but wrong is not
the way to go and when you
know which way to well
what i'm trying to say is
there are places and people
some of these are important
when you take notes well
it doesn't help you don't know
when you meet them face them
end up smack in the middle of
but sometime later you will
stop right in the middle of
something completely else
and say where was what again
do i remember to remember all
of those pieces of some other
picture the frame rearranged
with capital improvements
this project funded by a
rubber band playing its heart out
strung along on a shoestring
and a secret and also memory
which is like luck which is not
to be relied upon although everyone
everyone all and one and all
does definitely

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