Tuesday, October 14, 2008

justwrite 14 october

sever that cleaver!
leave it out in the cold to mold into jell-o!
there is no cause for such alarm

bells ringing in the apple trees
orchards too ripe for bees to sing
there are apples as well
there are trees that spell their names backward
birches and oaks choking with laughter
wait until the rain comes again!
there are there will be always with to be verbs
why not scintillate the great expeditions
the transitions ought to botch boredom
ruin the deep sighs
transpire tired sentences into perspiring dimensions
wait wait wait now go!
this is too short for words
words are too short for this
ideas are too long for words
stop and go your traffic breaths
in and out red and green yellowwwwww
easy on the condiments
spelling counts its own fingers
letters its own litter
recycles its resources
courses its own grades its syllabi with spades
too deep to dig too soft to sweep
the brooms are back in their quiet closets
closing each doorknob at the same rhyme
too easy to end there
stomp into the marsh with white socks on
show everyone who's writing imperative sentences now

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