Wednesday, September 3, 2008

justwrite 3 september

plant lady appears in a clear stairwell staring back at the track of bricks clicking their way up the wall in terracotta lines the vines chiming into circumstantial importance focusing the spotlight on a dot like stippling like pointy points the anointing of pinky fingers like shingles on an imagined roof the truth spoken in token appearances here is the wife of bath and here is the cash crop boiling over and over a stove full of heat and cheaty moves when you jump two and knit three and purl four hurling more quickly than sand through the hourglass a class-action retraction clacking over the bridge and cackling a twinge of regret for the ducks that we bet our shouting on the doubt is gone but a strong-armed patriarch could park his car and steel guitars in bizarre chords fording a nation of rivers to hold back forgiveness the bigness of design and the finetooth combs of bone and nail and hearty sale-shopping the stopping before the go and the wondering who knows and how goes the endless rhyme scheme a dream team of marmalade in spades with scones waylaid and played off of each other with awkward mothers' blessings teaching backward lessons unlearned with a grade on the scale of failing hopes soaped up and ready for a slipandslife spaghetti steamroller surprise with green straws in your eyes a marketing disguise themed as homecoming as stunning in a three-piece alarm clock a block and tackle routine with dreams of serpentine surrender to flannel panel sheets discreet in complete indifference

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