Tuesday, August 19, 2008

justwrite 19 august

tell me again about your pleasant discretion the connections between our fingers your bringing of sweet smells to my ears to overflowing while growing poppies in your cornfields filling up my window boxes with gloves and sandwich bags full of cookies looking right back at you and straight through the clovers over and under in blundering relief crinkling your fries and eyeing the stagecoach hoping that the smoking comes from where there's a fire and not for hire and not to conspire toward death in ragged breaths hung out to dry left about knee high in the garden while steely glances harden into cottage cheese freezing out the doubts and sprouting an indescribable trial a full course of action tracking the lost cost the cause applauding lauding your noble callings collect while the rent goes hungry and your socks turn fuzzy while the tone turns south mouthing the words to the unrhyming jingle unheard since absurd addresses went undelivered went quietly shivered just unforgivered and words like that catching compliments in my palm and flipping them into a backhand an in-demand handstand jungle upside-able and stable enough for potato salad to be called for to be stalled and more importantly to be tire-changed and exchanged for a shaky hand and a commanding door handle scandalously tight in the stickyhot night on dry land having to hand it to you through and two by four in adorable separates mix and match catch-alls for the you who has it all but falls apart without things

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