Monday, August 11, 2008

justwrite 10 august

turn up your stereo
stare your oreo down
drown your milky sorrows in soggy tomorrows
drift away as eyebrows lift to say oh yes did you think so well oh no let me tell you though
and they do
they always have some carrots to shred
the unnecessary toppings lopping off greenleaf suggestions of ratified dimensions
constitutional but quite unusual
suitable for walk worth talking about
when the cat's out the moths play hopscotch from butterscotch paws
rolling in the drifting lift
quitting the quilting until the winter picks up
no one wants to knit a nitpicker
no one wants to quit one who makes dinner
for all of the aerobics
for all of the anaerobics
this one's for the steerers the cattle tattlers
telling all the tails to high go it away to stay out until after dark and forget the bread
no one's head will roll for this scroll to call late for dinner
swim with sinners and lay down with liars

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