Wednesday, August 13, 2008

justwrite 13 august

when the clock struck one in one's face the gender erased confused the scene and the obscene phone calls were for cats with whistling bats twisted into tender tails and hailed as the newest in weather patterns a smattering of clattering plates and states filleting blue and red instead of yellow which is a primary three indeed though the secondary questions have yet to be asked and the greenest of parties has yet to be crashed so sweeten your salad with a carotene ballad a minstrel song of long-eared corn and stormy celebration with conversations heated by geothermal blankets and the dankest of dark dungeons will come again will strum again the tenderest trends until the horizon is vertical once again and the situations transpire so that churches con-spire or sans-spire play the shirts and the skins in a game of distant twins mocked by clocked souvenirs for who was here and we were where the tie rolled out one side faster than the other but by the end it's a tie

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