Monday, November 18, 2013

18 november

Those advice-givers with mind slivers full of shrink-dink ideas so cool and colorful but in the oven they melt and easily felt like stinky blinks of the eye, crying out for mercy in rehearsal and the worst full of awe and crawling for mercy when the spurned scenes (as the chrome gleams from the drive-away bumper) – just a stumper of a puzzle, we can’t muzzle all those worries fast enough! It’s a cast enough of thousands of feet, into the woods and far away, reeling to feel, raising the limits and upping the stakes, taking the claims and the temperatures, worse for the wear and caring not a whit as the bits all blur, as the sensations curb their enthusiasm – so easily we grab ‘em and stuff them in their oreo centers (renters can’t be choosers as the bugs all pick their beds) – we can’t be too easily led as we step forward toward the scenery and we scramble for our lines, and we look around for the scripts – the hip pockets? The corner sockets? The eight balls and the missed cues… fast and loose and running on empty as we make it up, as we go along – strong enough to settle, tough enough to mettle: now we are become breadth, destroyers of specialization: yes, we do do that!

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