Tuesday, April 19, 2011

justwrite 19 april

imagine an audience a preponderance of cells dwelling in one fell swoop of the brush no rush toward forward we’ve been warned it’s hard to escape once you put the pencil down but with it picked up you can carry away anything you like it’s a bike you won in a beauty pageant it’s a dragon from a banana and they keyboard tries its best with golden stickers but the tricky part is that the letters won’t stay they play themselves out and then laughing take off up and away and other prepositions I can’t say they’ll listen but it’s true I haven’t tried just arrived and started wondering plundering all those layers of flavors beyond the tootsiepop wonderball gobstopper of yore and on it comes anon but pleasantly not anonymously we state our names clearly we have no fears we cannot name we’re plain enough people and it’s a plane or a steeple high enough to observe at an awkward angle tackled by the sun and strung along a reckless necklace of unheeded beads we all need something a little differently composed a proposal without roses an answer without supposes we need definition and we need to write it for ourselves we need to right our wealth from toppled-over stacks we need to attract the right and subtract what’s left we alllll have to add it up we all have to wash our cups and dust the sills but will you wait for me if I stop to take a nap in the middle of the apple trees and if I wake up alone who will know the apples grow and the gardens sow themselves warmly over again close and thick and shadowed in the leaves of tomorrow’s harvest

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