Monday, April 18, 2011

justwrite 18 april

the announcements are made the commercials are paid for in advance and no one has singular pants but the dog after a run hanging out its tongue licking up the air caring little for fashion for class just grass and a river a shiver of nature uncomplicated undated unmarked just parked under a tree delivering the next episode I’m pleased with these results the catapulting upward overward onboard untoward there are two different thoughts at this point two different scenes I’m themeing through like a park one is all rewards with internal kind and a flash in the mind the pride that comes in reading your own name winner winner chicken dinner and it’s not mine not this time but that’s not the point that’s disjointed to say the lease but it’s a feast I’ll be attending and lending more than my fair share of commentary no doubt here’s a trout and there’s a ham I’m pleased and that’s the way I am going to sleep with a deep sigh and wise wondering but the second topic is too hot to write too wrong to right or the other way around how can drowning in faith serve anyone well but who am I to tell who am I to guess at what’s next and how it all plays out I have doubts like the next one and maybe many more but I’m not storing up worry or even hope at the remote chance that the impossible occurs how can I blur my goodlife efforts in a chance to contort toward somebody else’s vision I will not bow down I wear no crown myself but I deserve to stand up straight just like the king and I it occurs to me and does Krishna really mind or would any other kind of god applaud and being so lauded in such a way such a play seems meaningless but I’m heeding this response as one from a skeptic one with perplexing fits of wonder and also of disturbance wondering how such perturbances can shake up foundations can rock so many nations what are they thinking are they blinking thinking twice or are they truly sure offscreen too off the stage the blue curtains spread wide and looking inside what’s hiding what’s riding along on which shoulder holding what questions close and shouting answers without doubts we are the believers they say and we will see tomorrow

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