Thursday, August 20, 2009

Green Tail

The green tail whipped around the corner almost faster than I could see. But I knew where it was headed and I wanted to get there first. I went the back way, through the closet, up the back stairs and down the hall. I did not hear any screams so I knew I must have beat her. She had needed to go through the living room, past the dining room and up the main stairs. It was a longer route, so my only hope was that she had been blocked somehow, maybe by someone. I did not hear any noise from downstairs either, so everyone must be out, except for me, the baby and her. Then I heard her on the stairs so I ran as fast as I could the last few feet toward the babies room. I slipped on the carpet. Damn David for never putting something under that carpet to stop slippage. I got up without looking back and ran into the room and slammed the door just as she slammed into it from outside. I collapsed in a heap and the baby toddled over to me and took a huge handful of hair and pulled. I licked her on her face then nudged her back toward her bed and listened to the sounds from behind the door. My hackles went up as I waited to defend the child from...

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