Friday, March 21, 2014

21 march

it's a big world after all spices and leaves and kinds of corn and grass and birches and mushrooms and buttons and drawers are counted not to mention all of the scarves and colors oh! of course colors! and flavors! the textures and the ideas the people! and the clouds the mirrors and the rounds of voting over and again the kinds of light bulbs and the cereals the breads and the peanut butters all of the jellies and jams and honeys of many flowers and bees the trees and also animals the styles of music even from within a single decade or year or walk down the middle of a street of trafficparked cars knocking on windows asking for samples all of the watermelon seeds and the spittoons in and out of fashion the tofu jiggling waiting for its turn and the cafeteria workers ready to spoon something different all of the ketchups and the varieties the weather patterns and words for freezing fog the kisses by Eskimo nose stereotypes and penguins imagining flight all of the doorknobs wishing for a peek at their secret twist on the other side all the distributor coils and transmissions that no one knows what to do with and the pub quiz answers and what's more the questions the lessons skipped and the saddle-shoe laces tripped over jumping like jacks jumping like flash to fix all the everything in a stocking that could never be stuffed back in all the paper pieces and all the crayons to say so all the walls to come down and bridges to build and draw together all the new and all the old and all the stories to be told all the blankets blinking toward sleep as the wondering grows wild

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