Monday, March 10, 2014

10 march

wash percolations

end of my pen says INDIA is it india ink mass produced the narrow tubes transulcent the PAPERMATE EAGLE M blue true enough to the rest tested at least in some control of quality and mated to the date to catch by the batch full of boxing dazed and confused but ready in profusion to be used in a true sense of sentences the tenses tight as the seal broken and easy tokens cashed as all the rest lashed together in cool dark weather awaiting the word

2. the cavity-free club

her face
as the hygenist pulled down the polaroid
showed only the still-perfect teeth

suddenly resolving
lips pressed whitetight with shame
never to show so many again

claiming space by virtue of purchase/purpose
signed and delivered by appearance
the like
wiser to know the nature of reality
reality of nature
letting go/ getting let go
[easy to lapse into the trite - dare care share]

sounds abound - drowning an option
adoption of absorption/ filter through assorted
where the meaning easy screening
traveling words of certain power - drifting to lift
co-opting attention, adding dimensions

shift sense - change tense
now the future
/past clash


4. breakfast burrito
because when i wake up
i take up my dreams
shake loose excess nightmare bewares
hard edges filed off in slowfought night battles
pull resources colorful juicy bright
take heart in strengths gardenfresh organic
add yes sunshine hopeful saucy justenough
gather together and roll out
dayforward and flavorready

5. fence

not color but apparent texture
is what i noticed first
so crisp i thought
if i had the chance
i might add it to a salad
fresh, bright
catching the sun in narrow sliced angles
even from a distance
i imagined the sharp lines softening
underfoot underleg underback
earwhispering coolly
[anything but] not your side


away does not mean apart
distance not forgotten
hello and of course

breathe in where
take in the space/ the space takes you in
belong and grow
taste local

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