Tuesday, December 25, 2012

25 december

With thoughts that hot the toddy boils over and the snow freezes in its boots the ice in cahoots warms its winter whiles and the smiles shake up the bacon whether it’s turkey or tofu whether there’s no fool like the present the pheasant or another the wonder of weather the feathers and the betters the whiles we forgive and the guiles we give in place of sense these are the mentionables and we haven’t got the cases to set aside the rest the studies are the best and the situations in the labs leave the rest up for grabs I have got to tell the carolers to turn up all the volumes because no one’s coming to the door and no one’s got the words anymore I remember the time with the kazoos when we’d forgotten the lines but those were different times and we had all the addresses we had very different stresses and totally different dresses in those days and these ways are sweet as well the ways we tell that time has passed the waves have crashed and sure we make mistakes like so many cakes baked and cooling in the windows for passers-by to smell and stop by and ask about and maybe even taste or steal away when we’re not looking and when we notice that we’re gone we hide our faces in our hands and when our neighbors wonder whether we cry we hide again because we laugh our mistakes our gone and carried off and why then should we cry as off they go down tangled paths to meet new characters creators and wanderings

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