Sunday, July 24, 2011

justwrite 24 july

as the days pass there are cash advances entranced across the floor the entrance fee paid and waylaid on the way to someone else’s pocket the cases in the docket will never get cleared a clean desk is feared like a razor without teeth or did I mean a comb either way it’s home for now and the sacred cow sings its moon-eyed song to an applesauce battalion we meant to cook we had great designs we were doing fine before the sense kept falling out of the bottom I climbed a tree but the top was wrong and too high in the sky for the gliders the great dividers I’m sorry I’m falling asleep in the deep gaps between gaffs we thought we had a plan but in scanning the lines I find we’re sorting out the wrong sorts we’ve purported to defend the money we’ve lent to misguided robbers we slobber over our own misdeeds while feeding the zoos with the higher truths there’s a secret that I’m getting to but it clearly isn’t getting through these spaghetti-clogged pipes these cholesteroled veins lamely weaving in and out of traffic the graphic organizers not quite clear enough we’ve steered past bluffs rockier than those the pirated coves kept secretly covered we hovered like lovers too close to the door the snores were too much but it’s a softhearted touch to imagine that tragedy could go differently when I was done running today that’s when the story started and I can’t imagine such an oddly parted tale except right here where I have to tell it and if you’d like to know I’ll tell you so you’re not in the dark but it’s an odd place to park such a factual tract and not much would grow anyway so let’s play along with different sounds and build around those sorts of details knowing what’s entailed won’t make you smarter or even more attractive rather like the opposite the deposits of bits of knowledge that were edited out of colleges too much for your own good too neighborly for your own hood and this is when I realize the time I consider the crimes in these films the godfather fills such hours with cowards and with heroes but with the ones and the zeroes adding up it’s hard to tell what the program will be if the catch and release program has repatriated any more confederates or mostly just dunces and if I had my druthers I’d wonder what they were and I’d probably keep them outside on a long leash just to let others tangle themselves and stay well out of my way thisaway the right way as some say where some play by my rules the right ones as the sun sets on british petroleum the wrong initials but everything else okay so they say

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