Monday, March 23, 2009

justwrite 23 march

in yoga today in a one-room pre-school with hardwood floor and a chilly sun outside with a playground aroundabout children yelling i have never experienced such a spring i have never lived such a life and the floor is so hard the mat so yellow everyone else has purple except for well and then i thought about how it would feel like an opportunity a watermelon crashing gently onto the sidewalk in front of me a piece of surprise in the summer and there's a crack in the green the shell opens up enough for a hand to reach in and it is mine and when i find what i'm looking for it's a cool fistful of red fresh crisp deliciousness my fingers sticky and pleased and when i pull out a handful the seeds slip out and the juice runs down my wrist twisting down and my elbow offers a drip but my lips are reaching for the pink the red cool the escape from the heat and by the time the sticky drops make it to the sidewalk i am remembering that it is not yet

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