Monday, March 16, 2009

justwrite 16 march

while we're waiting let's each state claims we'll be unable to name when our ships come in and what if it's the same ship and we have to share will we be able to bear such an animal with triangular snoutmarks parked in the dark on the sliding glass door ignoring the rustling in the dark as the park's regulars come on out and sniff a spell and fare just as well as can be expected with such directed instruction pointing out the granola and i stole ya from that storybook i just couldn't look another page ahead i wanted to find the ending with my fingers lingering over the vowels smooth and clean on the velvet palate and if you have sensitive knees you'll be pleased to know that this pose will make you forget all about them and wonder if your back is supposed to crack like that and whether the smattering of pops is a cereal-based adventure or the loss of elbow dentures and if you don't know what those are then please just pull around the car and we'll take the drive and arrive at a destination slightly more enlightening to someone of your skills with your thrills tucked under like toes indisposed to roses and glowing like noses in the hedgerows like hedgehogs dogged by cats matting their fur in perfect frames rearranged by careful tongues among the thorns

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