Friday, March 20, 2009

justwrite 20 march

it is I the next waiting customer the one spoken of on the sign to the right of the triple-load washers and when I remind you that I have the right to remove your unattended quandary please do not misread my desires I want nothing more than to fire a store full of useless necessities the breeze blowing in from the costly south a well-traveled route worth conserving for no one's deserving of the retention of such tension not to mention the lessons unlearned and the paybacks unearned I am asking for the bigness of your spirit and for you to hear it from my mind first from my unrehearsed habits like rabbits jumping over fences to change your tenses into the past to lap your lapses up and cup your winnings so you can catch the overflow too strong and run along ahead instead of leaving anyone in the dust you must not worry about the trail the stale steps the wrecks of the gone-before stories with glories unheard of then or now and how we long to recreate when the new view is true and change makes sense in any pocket the bottle rocket expectations replaced with sudden vacations with a lack of traction grasping at each footprint hinting that each step is one not yet caught but easily bought at the right price but quite nice to know that it's you who's upstanding and no demanding will ever change your weather when your grass is green and you feel the sun in your hand

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