Tuesday, February 10, 2009

justwrite 10 february

don't come back on track as the attack catches your asthma grabs your camera and snaps your grandma in the shot caught off-guard like sunglasses glashing in the crash test dummies' tummies humming a lukewarm song of long-gone verses the wors is the best western and the least of our suggestions are leaning in to catch the lessons we intended to teach beyond the reach of science those tridents of sea those planet earth captain chewing bubbles creating troubles where there once were none and the sisters of mercy and their sakes alive are kicking out the cows off to the rooftop fast asleep as reindeer leap over and under the limbo stick the limber layers straying from the fold and into origami just haruki murakami and a couple of his buddies huddled around the kitchen sink watching the drops skate 'round the rink the metal shine fine and dandy like last easter's candy the senseless chocolate creatures missing crucial listening features and double ones too by which i mean ears by which i fear to say they have paid to play but are losing their money's worth on their apple pie slices the rhetorical devices wide and far and between scenes the dreams are much broader the challenges much odder like floating on your back downstream as you seem to crack open lunch on your furry brown belly and also i think you have whiskers and a tail and you never fail to say "I otter say" which plays well with others though other otters wonder why you bother and your brother and your mother try to smother those comments as they sneak out of your snout which is not to say you're ugly in face your nose is quite adorable

1 comment:

andrew ryan moss said...

awww that otter be adorable
also asthma grabs your camera and your poor grandma
crucial listening features that would be ears :)
buddies should huddle more often