Wednesday, February 22, 2017

22 february

In exercise B you need to cross out the verb and replace it with a better verb from the bank. I am walking around to help in case anyone has a question about the directions or about the vocabulary (or really about anything because we are always practicing our conversation skills and they already know what I did this weekend and how old I am and how many languages I speak). The first example is done already in number one, make it crossed out and go is written in the blank to the right. I walk around and nod and smile. These might be the biggest smiles in my week. When I see M struggling with finding the right word for number four, I review his answers. He has crossed out go, which is the answer the book gives as an example for number one. He has written in run, which the book thinks is the answer for number four. M knows better. He makes the answers right. It is the confidence that inflates this smile. Go. Run.

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