Wednesday, February 12, 2014

12 february

making the list is the better part
the batter starts with ingredients
expediently laid plans: mice, men -- etc.
weather patterns scattered -- green blob, other
wait until the details fall into place and the middle falls out
the trout jump ship and the rainbow forgets to end
there are places i remember all my half-life, now expiring
firing all the cylinders - passing around the pink slips
crunching chips and slivering ice
party softly, exit nice
waiting for the next opportunity?
jump when the chance comes -- already too late
affection is a funny thing, ticklish as an allergy
analogies and similes -- pace me if you've heard
i believe with all my blank you have got to blank this blank
fill the pockets, catch the train - making bread and major gain!
there's no word to tell the secret - i could write the script myself
wait for costumes, search for extras
we are all the characters
we are all the motion-makers - no casting calls, just starring roles
where's the space that's in between?
where's the time that doesn't matter?
when's the why that starts with who?
let the list begin with me
plans ahead to set examples
sample scenes and snow to fall
organized randomness: celebration --
promotions ironic and departures required
we are the we to be warned about!
the day to come, the fade to numb halted -
brighten the view: truen the shade, grade on a scale:
zero to better where better could be something else
room for improvement - a letter sent out - a question floating up

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