Tuesday, February 11, 2014

11 february

easy as the sand spins the hour twins itself to dark matter the opposite attracts and counter tracks the surface below the zigs the zags dragging down the measure wiggles as the earth shakes no quakes the wiser and giggles on the geiger - we are holding steady as the silver screen shows clearly - we are wishing futures as the past flies lists too nearly full of today bleeding tomorrow dry as the minutes unaccounted for are scored and roasted like toasted jams crammed too lately -

slated for removal: a tooth full of regret, bet on a horse to win spinningly, trimming fees and handmedown cares, staring at the knowledge that college overprepared for this - there are better ways to bliss - i am plenty of pieces of puzzle - rompecabeza et al / stalling out and filling in as the train lays its tracks, i am counteracting sense as i ponder counter offers -- kitchening the sinking feeling even while lifting a sail -- what may be to no avail and what's the path to the belly of a whale -- all the ways to go and stay: too sticky, too played, too easily mislaid like paths scattered in breadcrumb clouds in birdwild crowds : these are the scenes we can't do without -- tracks are only as good as the ones you lay yourself [but your health gets helped by others, too] [thanks for helping me find those shoes]

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